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진보된 컷팅과 세공의 기술로 미노티쿠치네의 미니멀리즘 정신을 구체화 한 작품이 GANDAHARA 입니다.
시각적인 아름다움 그 뒤에 보이지 않는 것의 가치를 실현합니다.

it is magic. playing with the angular degrees of vertical and horizontal surfaces, we were able to get rid of the worktop. what is there but not seen. alchemy is made possible by the perfect 45° cut between the doors and the worktop: the two elements fit together to the millimetre, camouflaging thicknesses and giving lightness to the whole kitchen block. subtracting the worktop we have once again married and concretized the minimalist spirit that characterizes our evolution. i believe that this kitchen is able to fully express its potential in dark tones. gandhara is characterized by horizontal profiles that emphasize the length of the kitchen lengthening the point of view. the worktop is presented with the edges at 45° allowing a clean and continual junction with the doors, which are also cut at 45°. gandhara was the first kitchen where the worktop and the fronts of drawers fit to the millimetre.